As part of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), the Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT) acts as an interdisciplinary hub for research on photonics and optical technologies in Erlangen. SAOT provides an Education Program of Excellence for national and international doctoral candidates, including Workshops, Seminars, and Academies. Furthermore, SAOT increases Science Communication and the Scientific Outreach to the general public in the fields of photonics and optical technologies.
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Below, our latest news are listed.
Am 3. Oktober öffnen wir unsere Türen für die Maus-Fans! Warum bleicht ein T-Shirt aus, ein Schmetterling aber nicht? Forscherinnen und Forscher der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität tun sich zusammen, um die ewige Farbe zu entschlüsseln und nachzubauen. Bei uns im panOPTICUM zeigen sie, was sie herau...
On July 18th, we had our SAOT Innovation Day 2024.
With both two career insights and two research insights, our Doctoral Candidates had the chance to see beyond their own disciplines:
Simone Gaffling, SAOT alumna, gave insights into the challenges of developing custom made optical inspection...
Our first One Day in Optics was a great success! In the
course of the “A Heart for Science” program of ZEISS Group, an upper-level school class explored our panOPTICUM experiments. In the subsequent panel discussion, they spoke to students, PhD students and a study advisor about working and study...
Last year, doctoral students from Princeton Materials Institute (PMI) in Princeton visited SAOT in Erlangen for a Summer School on lasers and photonics. Recently this year, young SAOT researchers visited the US in return. During their one-week stay in Princeton, they presented their own research and...
On May 13th, we hosted a public science evening in our panOPTICUM as part of #FAUwissenwollen. In his talk on the physics of colors, Dr. Max Gmelch also shed a light on the scientific background of the recent polar lights.
The talk was complemented by a guided tour through the interactive panOPTI...