SAOT Science Communication Activities
Since 2022, SAOT increasingly fosters activities to promote the fields of science and technology to the general public.
Current SAOT science communication activities
Our in-house science center panOPTICUM offers interactive insights into optical phenomena and technologies and regularly hosts school classes and the general public.
Photonics Research in Erlangen
Our 2022 brochure “Photonics Research in Erlangen” highlights research groups and activities on optical technologies in Erlangen.
In our Publication Spotlights, Research Spotlights, and Scientist Spotlights, we portrait current research activities on optical technologies and photonics in Erlangen as well as the people behind it.
One Day in Optics
Together with Carl Zeiss AG, we offer project days with scientific program to school classes, including lab tours, panel discussions and more.
Video Lab Insights
For the next edition of Experimentalphysik 2 – Elektrizität und Optik by Wolfgang Demtröder, we contribute online video insights into FAU labs. Release date is this fall.
Partners & Involvements